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70s invasion - 70s Glam Girls ; ANITA GARBO, GIRLIE, OLIVIA GRAY

OLIVIA GRAY has been putting out music since the early 70s and has a long discography, this one came out in '74 and someone suggested it was an attempt at glam, can't be too sure of that, then again....

these gals played hard rock in the late 70s, the a side sounds somewhat like the STONES and a small review is in our glam girls section 2 accessible from the bottom of page 21, also another picture sleeve is somewhere on this mess, see our gateway 5 maybe....

In her ground-breaking study of human identity in the age of the Internet (Life on the Screen), Sherry Turkle reports that numerous computer users she has interviewed talk of their online experience in spiritual terms. In these narratives people tell her that computer networks "resonate with our most profound sense that life is not predictable. They provoke spiritual, even religious speculations." She cites one interviewee who concludes: "To me, it's God coming together with science, and computers have made it all possible."

Subsequently Turkle goes even further in an interview with a Time magazine correspondent referenced in the cover story, "Jesus Online": "People see the Net as a new metaphor for God." The reason for this, she explains, is that they experience electronic networks, like life itself, evolving by a force they can neither understand, nor control. "The Internet is one of the most dramatic examples of something that is self-organized. That's the point. God is the distributed, decentralized system." Turkle is putting together these sentences, not as a religious person trying to prove a point, but as a scientist trying to understand what is happening in the culture at large.

Just how good is the Internet as a metaphor for God? As a committed Christian, a theologian of culture, and one who happens to be, like Turkle, both personally and professionally involved every day with this new medium, I want to take a closer look at what she is observing. If the Internet is becoming so heavily weighted with sacred meaning, just what kind of a symbol is it?

what a cool name and she dressed the part as well, to find out more and hear how she sounded see the Pure Pop Blog here ~

this single came out in '77 and was produced by JEFF LYNNE of ELO....